
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Skinny Jeans Get Even Skinnier

Closeup of a copper rivet on blue jeans.Image via Wikipedia
Alrighty, so I just found out about a new thing called 'jeggings'. Basically it's a cross between traditional jeans and leggings. Now, the only thing that I have to say about that is EWWW. Now, I'm not here to try to make anybody mad, so if you like jeggings then that's your business, but I personally do not like jeggings and I don't even really like skinny jeans either.

 Lately I've been thinking about how skinny jeans aren't even that cool. I mean, a pair of nice skinny's that gently curve to you is fine but when you start wearing these XXS skinny jeans that's where it all gets weird. I mean, for starters they look so uncomfortable. Especially since they're made out of jean material. *shudders* I just don't understand how tight clothing is the new in. I mean, 'flattering' is fine (sometimes) but 'gut wrenching tight' is not. Anyways, I'm sure that they're somehow bad for your health! I really don't even know how you could breath in one of those. It has to hurt!

Another point is why does society tell you that you have to look just like a super model to be truly accepted? I mean, its' fine to want to dress up and look nice but you don't have to be perfect. And the truth of the matter is that nobody really is. Not even models. So, I want to dare you to just be yourself. And the best thing you can do is to improve your personality because who you are on the inside is who you truly are on the outside.

Rating: 0 stars

FTC: All opinions are my own and I am not in any way affiliated with anything, as of right now.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

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